pokemon Emerald Double Rainbow Energy
Double Rainbow Energy can be attached only to an Evolved Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-ex).
While in play, Double Rainbow Energy provides every type of Energy but provides 2 Energy at a time. (Has no effect other than providing Energy.) Damage done to your opponent's Pokemon by the Pokemon Double Rainbow Energy is attached to is reduced by 10 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). When the Pokemon Double Rainbow Energy is attached to is no longer an Evolved Pokemon, discard Double Rainbow Energy.
While in play, Double Rainbow Energy provides every type of Energy but provides 2 Energy at a time. (Has no effect other than providing Energy.) Damage done to your opponent's Pokemon by the Pokemon Double Rainbow Energy is attached to is reduced by 10 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). When the Pokemon Double Rainbow Energy is attached to is no longer an Evolved Pokemon, discard Double Rainbow Energy.